General Announcements
Are you worried about the exhaustion of your mobile data quota? Do you wish to switch to a more reliable, affordable, and unlimited internet data connection? Then the Internet Leased Line is a…
Vacancy Announcement
Trongsa Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to re-announced the vacancy for the post of Asst. Instructor (Nyencha) for immediate recruitment. Therefore, interested individuals fulfilling the required criteria may apply through the online job portal @ htt
Attendance System
Performance Agreement

Venerable Lam Neten and monks of the Choetse Dratshang arrived at Trongsa for their winter residence from Kurjee, Bumthang today. Today the first…
Trongsa Dzongkhag joins the nation in celebrating the joyous occasion of the Royal Birth of Her Highness The Gyelsem.

Coinciding with the auspicious day, Dasho Wangdi Gyeltshen, Dzongdag joins the Office after his majesty the king granted dhar on 30th April,2023. The…
Trongsa Dzongkhag would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the “Father of Modern Bhutan” the King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck whom we are eternally…
On this momentous occasion of the 116th National Day, the members of the rabdey, judiciary, armed force, elected representatives, civil servants,…
Trongsa Dzong
1/11/2023:On this joyous occasion of the 15th coronation anniversary of our beloved king, Lam Neten, Dasho Drangpon, Dasho Dzongrab, Dasho SP,…
Grievance Redressal
Online Dispatch System
Black Mountain Festival Cycling Challenge 1st EDITION
12th Royal Wedding
World Environment Day Celebration,2023
Appointment of twenty-one new teachers, 2023
Royal Civil Service Award 2022
Observing Zero Waste Hour
Royal Civil Service Award 2021
Appointment of B.Ed. Graduates 2021.
50 years of Indo Bhutan friendship celebration
Tree plantation
Web Design and Development Training
Farewell to Dasho Dzongda
Trongsa Dzong