Comparative Statement for the FY-2021-2022

Attachment Size
suppliers contact number FY-21-22.pdf 73.6 KB
comparative statement for Chadi Item-2021-2022.pdf 1.87 MB
updated comparative statement for food catering services-21-22.pdf 2.83 MB
stationary comparative 2021-2022-min.pdf 4.72 MB
Comparative statement- Electrical items-2021-22-min.pdf 5 MB
Hardware-items-2021-22-min (1).pdf 5.83 MB
Equipments-2021-22.pdf 4.99 MB
Vehicle and Machine hiring-2021-22.pdf 2.24 MB
Funiture items-2021-22.pdf 7.41 MB
VC comparative statement.pdf 6.35 MB
._ agriculture.pdf 579 bytes
._cartridge.pdf 452 bytes
._Dzongkhag Catering.pdf 452 bytes
._Games and sport (1).pdf 1.61 KB
._hardware.pdf 579 bytes
agriculture.pdf 318.51 KB
cartridge.pdf 967.72 KB
Dzongkhag Catering.pdf 1.28 MB
Games and sport (1).pdf 1.84 MB
hardware.pdf 697.99 KB