

Nubee Gewog

Picture: GAO



“A Peace, Sustainable and Socio-Economically Vibrant Gewog with Rich Cultural and Natural Environment”


As the vision of Nubee Gewog states, “A Peace, Sustainable and Socio-Economically Vibrant Gewog with Rich Cultural and Natural Environment”, where the phrase embodies a well-balanced blend of environmental, cultural, social, and economic vigor. In order to promote a harmonious coexistence among its residents, it’s a community in which disagreements are rare and collaboration is the norm. Fundamental to sustainability are appropriate resource management techniques that guarantee the long-term health of the environment and human population. The Gewog targets for economically prosperous, with a wide range of prospects for development and prosperity, all while placing a high value on social welfare and fair resource distribution. The community's rich cultural traditions are valued and honored, acting as a unifying factor that fortifies social ties and protects its distinct identity. In the middle of all of this, the natural environment is valued and well protected, with conservation and preservation activities.


Geography and Climatic condition

The Gewog is located at the northern part of the Dzongkhag covering an area of 554.4 Km² and is the largest Gewog in the Dzongkhag.  It has Bumthang Dzongkhag to north and east, Wangdiphodrang Dzongkhag to west and Drakteng and Tangsibji Gewog to the south. Trongsa Dzongkhag headquarter is located within this Gewog. The gewog enroll under an altitude elevation ranging from 800 to 4800 meters above the sea level with a total population of 4386 and a total households of 359 as of January 2024.


Chiwogs and basic Infrastructures

The Gewog comprises five Chiwogs namely; Bemji-Chella, Gaghar-Karshong, Sinphu-Daba, Bji-Semjee and Bagochen-Bulingpang respectively. The Gewog has one Primary school at Bemji village, two ECCD at Bemji and Sinphu village respectively and finally one ECR at Bjeezam to ensure a conducive learning platform to students. The RNR center share its boundaries with the gewog office and the only public health center (PHC) in Gewog.



Rich in biodiversity, Wangchuck Centennial Park includes the Gaghar-Karshong Chiwog settlements of Jongthang, Mangdiphu, and Thangngyel. The Forest Management Unit oversees the majority of Nubee Gewog. Mother Nature is essential to providing a habitat for many different creatures and birds, including the critically endangered tiger. The forest is further enhanced by a diversity of tree species that can be utilized for a range of tasks, as well as a variety of non-wood forest products that may be crucial in boosting rural incomes and lowering the local community's poverty.

Some species found under Nubee Gewog




The majority of the population is dependent on agriculture livestock production as the main source of livelihood. Paddy is the staple cereal crop that is cultivated on a large scale by the public of Bemji-Chella, Sinphu-Daba, Gaghar-karshong and Bji-Semjee Chiwogs. Whereas, for Bagochen-Bulingpang community, vegetables and fruits is the main cash crop.  The part of farmers of Nubee gewog also farming and nurturing orchid and pepper for the commercial purpose. Moreover, the well-known Nubee Ema is widely grown by the people of gewog.



Dairy farming is one of the main activities that the majority of the community is dependent on.  It also plays a vital role in generating income for better livelihood of the people. Almost all people go for high-yielding cattle and the Jersey breed is being dominated by local cattle.  In total, there are 2570 numbers of cattle in the gewog as per the data authenticated by Livestock extension staff of the Gewog, 2024. There is one existing milk processing unit (MPU) at Trongsa, Thruepang AKA Nubee OM PHENDEY Tshogpa which comprises of 52 members from Daba-sinphu chiwog. The Thangnyel community under Daba-Sinphu chiwog also rearing a total of 119 yaks and 50 numbers of sheep solely for their living. Moreover, 5 numbers of poultry farms are running effectively under Bagochen-Bulingpang chiwog which is the closest chiwog to Dzongkhag Administration. The livestock center also provides artificial insemination (AI) services to the community in order to intensify dairy development programs and breed improvement accordingly.

