Chibdrel Ceremony
15 September 2023
Venerable Lam Neten and monks of the Choetse Dratshang arrived at Trongsa for their winter residence from Kurjee, Bumthang today. Today the first day of the eight month of the Water Female Rabbit Year and in keeping with tradition, the Choetse Dratshang
Royal Princess Birth Felicitation
09 September 2023
Trongsa Dzongkhag joins the nation in celebrating the joyous occasion of the Royal Birth of Her Highness The Gyelsem.
New Dasho Dzongda joins DAT
24 June 2023
Coinciding with the auspicious day, Dasho Wangdi Gyeltshen, Dzongdag joins the Office after his majesty the king granted dhar on 30th April,2023. The tendrel ceremony and handing taking of office took place in Dzongdags office in presence of Lam Neten, Dr
Farewell to Dasho Dzongdag
20 May 2023
Today, we found ourselves with mixed emotions as we bid farewell to our honorable Dasho Dzongda. It is with both a heavy heart and a sense of excitement as Dasho embarks on a new journey beyond our organization. Throughout your tenure, Dasho has demonstr
2nd LG Terms Concludes
26 October 2021
Today, the 26th October,2021, formally concludes the term for the Local Government Leaders, after assuming 5 years of successful tenure in Local Governance.
Power Tillers – An alternative to avert Human-wildlife Conflict in Nubi Gewog.
20 June 2021
The Divisional Forest Office, Bumthang under Ministry of Agriculture and Forests (MoAF) through the Dzongkhag Administration, Trongsa, handed over five nos power tillers to the communities of Simphu-Daba, Bemji-Chella, Gagar-Karshong, Bji-Saembji and Dorz
13 April 2021
Royal Civil Service Award 2020
11 December 2020
Royal Civil Service Award ceremony for the dedicated Service
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